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Eita! Issue 2: Food

Issue 2


Everyone eats - the questions is what we eat. For our second issue, we chose a mouth-watering theme. From the greatest feasts to the smallest cakes, we have stories for all sorts of tastes.



Buy this issue to read our classical story, The deceased by Thomaz Lopes, in which a man wakes up lying in a coffin, inside of a crypt, without knowing if he’s alive or dead, and resorts to the only food source he can find in the darkness.

Credits for this issue


An­dré Col­a­belli

Iana Araújo

Lu­cas Fer­raz

Natalle Moura

Vanessa Guedes


André Colabelli

Júlia Serrano

Marina Ferreira

Natalle Moura

Vanessa Guedes

Copy editors

Iana A.

Júlia Ser­rano

Luiza Cantoni

Natalle Moura

Renata Torres

Vanessa Guedes

Visual concept

Raphael Andrade

Cover art

Maria Abelhas

eBook design

Lucas Ferraz

Social media management and Communications

Larissa Picchioni

Communications team

Lígia Colares

Júlia Serrano

Raphael Andrade

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